Monday, December 3, 2007

Lisey’s Story: A Novel by Stephen King

King’s The Master of Horror stories telling is at it again

Lisey Landon is a richly wrought character of charm and complexity, of realized inner strength and redoubtable humor. As the central figure she drives the story, and the story is so vividly textured, the reader will draw in the perfumed air of Boo'ya Moon, will see the sunlight flood through the windows of the Scott's studio-or the night press against them. Her voice will be clear in your ear as you experience the fear and the wonder. If your heart doesn't hitch at the demons she faces in this world and the other, if it doesn't thrill at her courage and endurance, you're going to need to check with a cardiologist, first chance.

Lisey's Story," is a romance, celebrating the enduring love between Scott Landon, a wealthy and celebrated author (much like King himself) and his wife of 25 years, Lisey. When the story begins, Lisey is a middle-aged widow, unable to clean out her late husband's office because she's still in mourning over Scott's untimely death two years earlier. Then two almost simultaneous events occur the change from romance to Horror.

Lisey's Story is bright and brilliant. It's dark and complex. While I'll always consider Dreamcatcher, the first book I read by King and his best. Lisey’s Story give me intense fear, horror, and distress a gorgeous, bloody scary, that what I found, on his latest ride, this is what all his books do to me give me nightmare for months and I can not wait to get my hands on his books now.

An old Chinese proverb says, 'A book is like a garden in the pocket. Well who ever come up with that proverb never heard about Stephen Edwin King I'm a fan of King and always will be I love him and I am afraid of him at the same time.

King is back on top form as a horror writer. This story is about as horrific, creepy, and gruesome as they come. Scott had a nasty childhood and a special power he called upon when things got tough. However, mixed in with the horror is a reflection on the wellspring of creation that a writer draws upon and a story of a strong love that outlasts even death. The title notwithstanding, this is really Scott's story rather than Lisey's. Scott's strong presence that prevails throughout the book rather than Lisey's, and it's often Scott's words that issue from Lisey's lips.

King has deftly woven together a story that balances both horror and love and includes heart-pounding scenes

Lisey's Story: A Novel